Kiss for the Cure: September 2017

Did you know joint damage can happen to anyone at any age? Hi, this is Jody Jo. The most common joint problems come from arthritis and injuries but there are steps you can take to help prevent or lessen the effects of joint damage. Maintain a healthy weight, obesity puts more weight on your joints, which can weaken muscles and make injuries more likely.

Always stretch before you exercise. Stretching is important, it helps with flexibility and decreases stress injuries like sprains and strains.

Avoid exercises that put too much stress on your joints. Focus on developing a strong core; it will help you balance your body weight. Yoga and Pilates are two great types of exercise that strengthen your core and promote orthopedic health.

Don\’t forget to schedule yearly visits to your primary care doctor are a great way to stay on top of your orthopedic health. This is especially important for older adults, who can be more likely to develop arthritis and suffer injuries..

To learn more about orthopedic problems, go to


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Are you living the most active and healthy life that you can? Regardless of how healthy your diet is, you could still be living with pain and be limited in your physical abilities. Did you know that the human body has more than 200 points and more than 200 joints that connect the bones? Most people take their bones and joints for granted – until something goes wrong with one or more of them.

Joint damage can happen to anyone, at any age. The most common joint problems come from arthritis and injuries. But, there are steps that you can take to help prevent or lessen the effects of joint damage:

  • Risk of bone and joint injury can be reduced by exercising at least 30 minutes per day.
  • A healthy lifestyle including weight management/well balanced diet, not smoking or drinking excessive amounts of alcohol
  • Rest, especially after vigorous exercise – know your personal capacity and intensity
  • Physical and occupational therapy
  • Protecting yourself from falls or other accidents and injuries
  • Early diagnosis and treatment of conditions like arthritis and osteoporosis.
  • Talk to your doctor about surgery to repair or replace damaged joints

Common Joint Problems:

Common problems: Dislocation, separation, rotator cuff injuries, frozen shoulder, fracture (break), arthritis, sprains and strains, bursitis.

Common problems: Back pain from injuries, herniated disks, spinal stenosis.

Common problems: Bursitis, tendinitis (including \”tennis elbow\”), overuse, traumatic or repetitive injuries.

Common problems: Arthritis (osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis), bursitis, osteoporosis, fracture, tendinitis, sprains, carpal tunnel syndrome.

Common problems: Osteoarthritis, sprains and strains, rheumatoid arthritis, sports injuries (ligaments and tendons), bursitis.

Common problems: Osteoporosis, fracture, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, bursitis.

Common problems: Sprains, strains, bursitis, tendonitis (Achilles tendinitis).

Common problems: Arthritis, tendinitis, gout, toe fractures, bursitis (big toe).


